Zgodbe žensk

Naj bo vsak dan 8. marec! / Let every day be the 8th of March! Today and everyday DZMP Luksuz produkcija wish to celebrate emerging filmmakers who took the simple, radical step of allowing women space and time to talk about their lives. Whether through the bonds of shared experience, or merely genuine interest, these […]

Tihe pesmi

Tihe pesmi, avtor Lea Teraž, dokumentarni, 4′, 2020   “Pogled v nemirno podeželsko življenje, kjer tišina govori več kot besede.”  

virtualna FILMSKA DELAVNICA z Osnovno šolo GRM

Last week we had a very special online experience with Boris Petkovič and the students of the 9. th grade of the Grm elementary school! Thanks to all involved It is a great pleasure to share our experience, if you are interested in conducting workshops at your school / institution, contact us.

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