Rožana Švara (Slovenija)

My experience with Luksuz produkcija started at the summer documentary film workshop in 2020. There, I decided to become a volunteer in DZMP and I am very grateful for this opportunity. I had a goal that year to pass the entry exams on the film academy in Ljubljana, and I strongly doubt that I would have succeeded if it wasn’t for the 9 months I have spent in Luksuz produkcija. The workshops that DZMP/ Luksuz produkcija mentors were organising for volunteers equipped us with a lot of practical and theoretical knowledge. I study film now and it’s amazing to me how much knowledge I already have, just from those workshops. We could put that knowledge to test not only when making our films but also when mentoring children and youth on the workshops. It was really nice to be both “the student” and “the teacher” and share the tools of this amazing craft to the enthusiastic youth. The monthly Youth Magazine was pushing us to explore new topics, aspects of filmmaking and ways to express ourselves and it was nice to look back and see how much we progressed each month. The whole experience was just amazing for me and I am thankful beyond words to the amazing Luksuz crew and my co-volunteers for being there to share thoughts, help each other both in terms of work and personal life, or just have a good laugh together. 10/10, Would recommend.

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